JavaScript Patience

JavaScript Patience


2 min read

It can be a small thing. A test. A snippet. An exercise. However the feeling of completing it though is not something to be ignored. Take your win's my friends - let them motivate you and encourage you to keep going. Self teaching yourself how to program is no easy feat - You're doing great!

I was working on Dom manipulation practice in JavaScript doing a simple hex code input that changes the background gradient. To challenge myself further I added an additional random hex code generator button that also changed both the background colour along with the text display of a particular div.

The feeling of finally getting through the random errors, bugs, and why isn't this working! was a big win and one I don't take lightly in my stage of learning! It's a challenge to push through when you feel like you aren't getting it; or even more so when you feel like you are programming the right code but it still isn't working. These are the moments when you keep it simple stupid - when you don't make assumptions, when you check your syntax diligently, when you learn to ask the right questions and read through MDN docs for the 11th time or try and apply Stackoverflow responses to your situation.

It's these moments where I'm reminded that patience really does pay off. All of these steps are just as important as coding itself.

So when I finally hit that button to generate a random hex color and it worked! OOOoeeeeee did that feel good!

Keep on keeping on my friends